Move to Learn is a network of parents, professionals and friends interested in or working in the field of learning difficulties ans developmental delay around the world. Below is a list of some of our contacts who have been trained and assessed in Barbara Pheloung’s methods and can give advice of support. Many contributed to the development of the Move To Learn Movement Program and worked alongside Barbara.
Veronica Steer BApp ScOT, RegOT, AccOT is a registered and accredited Occupational Therapist since 1975, with her own practice in the city of Adelaide, Veronica also holds a Diploma in Kinesiology and is trained in Rhythmic Movement, The Listening Program and Interactive Metronome.
She has been a Sound Therapist since 2000.
In her practice, where she worked with both children and adults, she used a combination of OT predominantly related to brain and body integration, Sound Therapy and LEAP Brain Integration Kinesiology.
With nearly 40 years experience working with children with multiple disabilities, developmental and learning difficulties and those within the autism spectrum, her work involves formal assessment and intervention. Sensory Integration has been her primary focus in order to improve the underlying central nervous system foundations for learning, coordination and behavioural organization.
Veronica was a founding Faculty Member of Sensory Integration Australia, training therapists in this field, and she has also been member of various OT Association committees and the OT Registration Board. She has been associated with Move to Learn since 2004, contributing several articles and being vitally involved with the development of the Move to Learn Movement Program.
Julia Dive has been a cornerstone in Move to Learn and has helped to develop the Ten Gems Movement Program and spearheaded our Ten Gems for Adults program.
Julia has worked closely with primary school children for over 30 years and was employed as a Teacher’s Aide Special from 1996 to 2008.
Director and founder of ‘Smart Brain/Smart Body’ in NSW, her centre offered assessment, tutoring, Irlen screening, sound therapy, Extra Lesson and Move to Learn, concentrating on the whole child and supporting the parents of the child.
A new passion has been introducing Move to Learn to senior’s communities where she has inspired many to get together and move for a better quality of life; keeping brains and bodies active while encouraging social connection.
Broulee, NSW
Phone: +61 2 4471 6854
Belinda Flynn, was trained and assessed as a Move to Learn Practitioner and is director of Kids in Tune, is based in Woolgoolga, NSW.
She is an experienced PDHPE teacher, an Imagination Gym consultant, and a certified provider of The Listening Program. She is also qualified in Brain Gym and has vast experience working in schools with High School children.
Belinda has created and implemented a daily movement program with small groups of High School students who have learning difficulties and/or behavior problems for over eight years. She had witnessed many and varied improvements with these children before introducing the Move To Learn program. Belinda was very impressed with the evident improvements the program brought once added to her repertoire and has since gone on to become a certified Move to Learn Practitioner.
Her High School Program is holistic in its approach including such things as dietary information (focusing on the effects of food additives), sensory activities, Brain Gym, Imagination Gym, yoga and other relaxation techniques, games and LISTENING (to students concerns and anxieties) as well as Move To Learn.Belinda is an experienced PDHPE teacher, a certified Move To Learn practitioner, Imagination Gym consultant, and a certified provider of The Listening Program She is also qualified to work with children with Brain Gym. She is currently completing her Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.Belinda is available to run workshops at staff development days and also parent and community workshops. For those who don’t have the confidence to implement the movement sequences themselves, Belinda is available to work individually or with small groups of children or adults.
Kids In Tune
PO Box 10
Woolgoolga. NSW 2456
Ph: 0422594536 or 0422594536
Joyce Moi, was trained and assessed as a Move to Learn Practitioner and worked as the Move to Learn representative in Malaysia for many years. Joyce also runs a centre in Kuala Lumpur for kids and parents of kids who fall in between the intellectually challenged and academically gifted. With expertise in the Move to Learn program, Starjump, Kids Can Succeed, DIR FloorTime and Cogmed and QiGong Massage from QiGong Sensory Training Institute, she provides 1 on 1 parent coaching services for families who have children who seem normal but struggle with learning or or are behind in their development compared to kids their age, (English, Mandarin & Cantonese).
She will be presenting Move to Learn Training Seminars throughout the year .
Joyce Moi
Edufirma Sdn Bhd replace with KYCH Services
20-1-4 Jalan 2/101C
Cheras Business Centre
Batu 5 Jalan Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur
Ph: (603) 8933 2978
Mobile: (6) 012 387 1120
“Thank you for sharing MTL with us. We had a wonderful time in KL, and thank Joyce for her session, both as a educator and a parent about move to learn and her life experiences with her child and students. Looking forward, we are going to bring MTL into the daily curriculum for all our students!”
“It was absolutely worth coming to KL from Singapore on my day off!”
” Joyce, after attending the Move to Learn seminar in March this year, I now look at things from a different perspective. I realise that some of my students who are diagnosed with autism suffer from problems with their vestibular and proprioception. Since working with them on the Move to Learn exercises, I have found a great improvement in them.”
Felicia (Principal of Symphonia Child Development Centre, Kuala Lumpur)
Winsome Richards is a long term Move to Learn friend and a dynamic presenter and teacher. She has headed up an extensive program introducing Move to Learn to Western Australia through Move to Learn in WA.
She became interested in movement programs in 1981 when she helped her own son’s learning difficulties and has since worked in schools with students from K to Year 8 and studied the “whole child approach” to learning, in particular the Move to Learn Program. She has used movement programs and developmentally challenging obstacle courses that incorporate early literacy and numeracy to help many children from Pre-School to High School.
Winsome heads up Move to Learn in WA with Wendy Pittendrigh, Laurel Butcher, Davina Fraser, Dorothy Stephen, Margaret Greville, Charmian Venn and Laurel Butcher. Together the group has successfully organized and conducted many “Move to Learn in W.A.” seminars and workshops. They have also presented twice at the Early Years In Education Society Spring Conference in Perth.
Since 2009 Margaret, Dot and Winsome have travelled and conducted professional development for a number of city and country schools throughout Western Australia.
“We know that early intervention is crucial to a child with learning difficulties. But why do we have to wait for the learning difficulty to be obvious before starting early intervention? I believe we can do something about it before it happens especially in those first two years of school! Let’s get all our schools in Australia Moving to Learn.”
Winsome and her team have recently developed a fabulous new resource for Move to Learn – Multi Learning Mats. Contact Winsome for more information on that. These mats are proving a popular resource for schools as they can help in set up and implementation of the Move to Learn program.
Move to Learn in WA
Perth, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9250 4285
Mobile 0448504285
Evonne Bennell has a varied practice at Warrawee & Five Dock, seeing a wide of clients from babies to seniors for developmental & learning support, personal growth or maintaining or regaining function after stroke etc. Evonne has a special interest in retained primitive reflexes and their impact on sensory processing, learning and living, drawing from numerous modalities to deliver individual of group programs for a variety of ages and ability groups.
In addition, to being trained and assessed as a Move to Learn Practitioner, Evonne is also a licensed Brain Gym® & Visioncircles™ Instructor, an Educational/Holistic Kinesiologist, Rhythmic Movement Training Instructor and Provider, craniosacral therapist and a Therapeutic Listening Program provider and currently, assisting little ones at GymbaROO Bondi.
In August 2011, Evonne was awarded an Outstanding Service award to BRAIN GYM® International.
She runs regular workshops offering Move to Learn, Brain Gym, Rhythmic Movement Training and sensory processing support in Sydney and in country NSW/QLD offering to support for teachers, parents and therapists from many modalities.
Maria Simeone is a Teaching Artist, Opera Singer, HealthRhythms® Facilitator, Move to Learn™ Trainer, and Creator of the Remo Affiliate Program Flexity Jig®. She holds a B.A. with honors in Research Psychology and is published in the field of Cognition/Neurolinguistics, is a trained HealthRhythms facilitator, is the first US Certified Move to Learn Trainer (Sydney, AU), and is trained in Orff Schulwerk, Dalcroze, Brain-Compatible Dance Education, Rhythmic Movement, and various acoustic sound therapy modalities.
East Tennessee-based, Maria Simeone is the creator of her online program for women, Voice Your Resilience. Voice Your Resilience is an emotional resilience program whereby, Maria inspires women to discover their voice as their direct and unique path to emotional resilience and spiritual renewal. Maria guides in the full use of the voice to stimulate the primitive pathways of the brain for deep emotional resilience.
Maria is the creator of the Remo Affiliate Program, Flexity Jig – a neuro-reflex based voice-body movement game that boosts learning, focus and creativity. She is also the creator and featured artist of 3 interactive (“press and play”) videos for Remo using vocal play with 3 key movements from Flexity Jig™ (Breath, Core-Distal, Lateral Sides) using Remo’s drum table with Comfort Sound® technology. Free downloadable cue cards. are available with these Remo videos
Maria is also featured in the BrainDance Video series, with Spanish subtitles, which are free to the public sponsored by Segerstrom Center for the Arts
To contact Maria and to learn more about her online women’s program, Voice Your Resilience:
Sandy Bullock is a fabulous teacher and long term associate of Move to Learn. A mother of 4 grown sons and grandmother of one, she is a Primary School Teacher with over 20 years teaching experience. Her journey teaching children with Learning Difficulties began when she worked alongside Barbara at Oxford Falls Grammar School in Sydney where they set up a movement program. She was a major contributor to our teaching resources.
Sandy is passionate about helping children reach their potential. She sees students in her home in Shoal Bay NSW.
Mob: 0432 858 962
Jenny Cluning was trained and assessed as a Move to Learn Practitioner and is also a graduate of the Diploma course in Neuro-Developmental Delay offered by the Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology in Chester UK. She has a certificate in Bilateral Integration and has been trained in Extra Lesson and Rhythmic Movement Levels 1, 2 & 3 and is also a qualified provider in Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation (JIAS) program and The Listening Program (TLP). Additionally, Jenny has attended training in Colorful Semantics offered by the Catholic Education Office, and the Fitzroy Reading Method through the Fitzroy School in Melbourne.
Before working as a Neuro-Developmental Therapist, she had worked extensively as a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer for over twelve years.
Jenny’s interest in Developmental Movement and Sound Therapy arose from the success in assisting two of her children to improve their learning through various interventions.
As a parent and trained therapist Jenny has designed and supervised home based programs for her own children which provides her with a unique insight into the needs of children and their parents and the support they both require to the achieve the best outcomes. She has also had extensive experience working with teachers through Program Support Group meetings. Through this Jenny has a strong passion and desire to educate teachers with the Move to Learn Program and the proven link between movement and learning.
Educational Moves – “Consulting, Training & Educational Products”
20 Banksia Street
Burwood Vic 3124
Tel: 0404 894 309

Mary Mountstephen MA (SEN) is a learning and development specialist and the author of several books and many articles about how we can help children to learn effectively. She is the founder of KidsCanSucceed and works in the U.K. and internationally, providing workshops, training and 1:1 assessments.
Read Mary’s articles:
Rhythm, Tempo And Enhanced Academic Performance By Mary Mountstephen
Physical Development And LearningMary Mountstephen MS (SEN)
Founder: KidsCanSucceed
Dr Agnieszka Olechowska
The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education,
Warsaw, Poland
Agnieszka is a teacher of early childhood education, a special education teacher-speech therapist and senior lecturer in the department of early education at the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Poland.
She is also a visiting professor at Florida University, USA, a member of the Team Elementary Education Sciences at the Polish National Committee, head of copyright postgraduate Early Education and Preschool and author of several books in the field of special educational needs, scientific articles, guides for teachers, training programs, e-learning courses teachers and pedagogical diagnosis tools including: Support for Students with Special Needs. Tips for Teachers (APS 2001), Special Educational Needs and The Meeting of Theory and Practice (PWN 2016),.
She also translated Ten Gems for the Brain into Polish and has been instrumental in introducing Move to Learn into Polish schools.
Read Agneiszka’s research: Move To Learn Programme In Polish Educational Practice
Cecil Burton is the director of The Cee Bee Center in Takarazuka city, Hyogo Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan. He was trained and assessed as a Move to Learn Practitioner and is the representative and distributor of Move to Learn products that have been translated into Japanese. Cecil has been teaching English and Mathematics in Japan to students, including those with LD, (Asperger syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD, etc.), for over 15 years. He has a Diploma in Special Education from the U.K. and was instrumental in helping start up and run a private SEN school called TEAM GIFTED in 2008 in Fukuoka, Japan, working as a Consultant and Advisor on the project, including teaching and training of teachers as well as teaching English and Math to children with development disorders and learning disabilities. During that time he has had success in that 3 children attending Team Gifted went on to study abroad at schools in Europe, some of the other children attending Team Gifted who had stopped attending public or private schools returned to mainstream schools within 6-12 months and the rest of the children who were attending Team Gifted mainstream schools but were lagging behind due to behavioural problems and learning difficulties, developed appropriately so that they overcame their behavioural problems and learning difficulties and were no longer lagging behind in their class.
The Japanese and English booklets can be purchased from the Cee Bee Center and specialized training in the effective use of this program can be provided on a private basis to families or individuals and also on a group basis to any school or establishment.
Cecil Patrick Burton – Director
This is a Center and School for Education, Therapy, Training and Support
for children with Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties
and to Support and Educate parents and teachers too.
1-16 Mikasa-cho,
Hyogo Prefecture 665-0863
Tel: 0797-20-03980797-20-0398 in Japan 81-797-20-098 from abroad
Mobile Tel: 090-2859-7075090-2859-7075 in Japan 81-90-2859-7075 from abroad.
Blog <> (日本語)
Website <> (English)
Support Group </
Rachel Fisher is passionate about helping people with learning difficulties with practical and individual help and programs.
In 2005 she was inspired when she heard Barbara Pheloung speak about learning difficulties. The information Barbara gave resonated with what Rachel was seeing at the school where she was helping out. She attended Barbara’s workshop that same year and was trained in the Move to Learn movements.
Rachel was able to run the program in her school five days a week, for fifteen minutes.
“In the first couple of weeks we began to notice changes in the students. Changes ranged from better organization to being able to concentrate for longer periods, both of which are essential to learning. I was able to work with teachers to modify teaching styles so that the whole class could keep up, and be involved with classroom activities.”
At this time Rachel also piloted a Move to Learn Program with adults with intellectual disabilities, mental health issues, and addiction issues.
In 2006 she wrote a chapter about this program which was published in School Floors and presented a workshop at the Move to Learn Conference about her work at the school with both students and adults and also commented on counselling issues for students with learning difficulties. Since then she has presented workshops and seminars at the following locations:
SCEE(Southern Cross Education Enterprises) Pacific Educators Conference in Queensland.(2007)
ACE Educator’s Forum in Tasmania (2007).
Papua New Guinea Mega Conference in Lae, PNG (2008).
Professional development day at a Queensland school (2010).
Private workshop for a small group (2010).
Rachel is an experienced counsellor and has managed a house for adults with intellectual and physical disabilities for the last four years.
In 2011 she started her business “Left Right In” and wrote the school and home based program “Creating Connections” and developed “Beadlers“.
Rachel’s current qualifications include: B.A. Counselling, B.A. Intercultural Studies, Grad Dip. Counselling, Cert IV in Small Business Management.
Rachel offers a range of professional development workshops for schools, community groups, and university students.
Left Right In Learning Solutions – A business dedicated to those who’ve been left out.
Mobile: 0433 935 407
Clare Crew, (Bachelor of Early Childhood Education ● Master of Special Education ● Certified Provider of Move to Learn ● Registered & practicing Teacher ● Mum ● Keynote Speaker of DECD Greater Eyre & Western Early Childhood Conference 2013) was trained and assessed as a Move to Learn Practitioner and has presented many Move to Learn training seminars for teachers. She is based in Adelaide, South Australia.
Clare is a registered teacher and a mum of 3 young children. She has used Move to Learn with great success within the classroom, with clients, with her children and also on herself.
When Clare first begun teaching, she was overwhelmed by the number of students struggling to learn and function optimally within the classroom setting. To address this need, she returned to University to study Special Education, graduating with a Masters Degree. While much was learnt from further study in the field of education, there remained a small group of children each year that weren’t able to reach their full potential.
Time spent working as a Gymbaroo teacher helped Clare to discover the power of movement and its role in preventing and addressing learning, attention and behavioural challenges.
She is now a provider of Move to Learn and Rhythmic Movement Training, using primitive reflex integration to help children reach their full potential.
Read Clare’s latest book:
Tummy Time Tactics
Tummy Time Tactics is a succinct and practical guide for parents and childcare professionals, who want to give their babies a head start in life but don’t necessarily know how.
Clare Crew
Northern Adelaide, SA
Phone: 0412 707 251
“I am a qualified Paediatric Occupational Therapist and completed the Move to Learn training (with Clare) this year. Since completing the training I have been very inspired and begun all of my little clients on the program (some parents too!!!).”
Louise Weavers is a Physiotherapist who has a lot of experience working with pre-school, infants and primary school age children with learning difficulties. Her focus has been on the area of paediatric physiotherapy looking at normal movement development and especially how it impacts on learning and language development.
Like many professionals working in this area, her interest was initially driven by a personal need – a Mum looking for answers to help her dyslexic son. Barbara’s books got her looking for the answers in the right place – Moving to Learn.
Louise is a movement specialist who understands the complexities of “normal”/ “ideal” development of the human nervous system, she values the neuro – developmental principles apparent in the Move to Learn program, enjoying its simplicity, structure and effectiveness.
She also uses Rhythmic Movement Training, another neuro-developmental approach that works specifically to integrate primitive reflexes, and she is trained in “The Listening Program”, an auditory integration program. Listening problems and movement problems often go hand in hand to make reading, writing and understanding in the classroom difficult.
Louise has been instrumental in publishing the first edition of “Moving Mountains” (a Thai language version of “Ten Gems for the Brain”), and has spent a number of years working in Thailand. She has recently relocated to the United States and plans to run workshops in 2015, but for the moment, please contact her through this email address.